Study the Rules of Order in ˈs Narrative System

Document Type : Original Article


1 ph.d.student of ancient culture and language Tehran university of research sciences, Tehran, Iran

2 Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies ,Tehran,Iran


Data for this research was collected in a library method, in order to investigate the rules of order and principles of literary in the poems of the Manichaeans in both parthian and sogdian languages. The poems of the Manichaeans are hymns with religious, mystical and mythological themes that the Manichaeans sang in their rituals and religious rituals. There is no doubt that Mani and the missionaries of the Manichaean religion used the oral tradition and the art of poetry to reflect their teachings in order to better and more easily impress their audience. These missionaries traveled to different cities and wrote these hymns in different languages. In this article, we intend to show the existence of the rules of order and literary devices such as simile, metaphor, contrast, etc. by citing examples. Based on this, we will introduce the examples first; then we analyze them from the point of view of rhetoric and poetic system in both parthian and sogdian languages and reach the results obtained. It should be noted that whenever in this article we talk about Huvidagmān, the authors mean parthian and sogdian pieces.
